Lori Skibo, MI GOP State Committee Woman. Has Michigan GOP Chair Pete Hoekstra hijacked the Michigan Republican Party?
Ron Armstrong interviews the 4 Michigan Republican Chair Candidates:
https://rumble.com/v69moy1-mi-republican-chair-candidate-meshawn-maddock.htmlCampaign website for Meshawn Maddock https://www.meshawnforchair.com/
https://rumble.com/v690pe7-mi-republican-chair-candidate-scott-greenlee.htmlCampaign website for Scott Greenlee https://www.greenlee4migopchair.com/
https://rumble.com/v69elu1-mi-republican-chair-candidate-joe-cella.htmlCampaign website for Joe Cella https://migopgreatagain.com/
https://rumble.com/v6919zv-interview-with-jim-runestad-candidate-for-mi-republican-chair.htmlCampaign website for Jim Runestad https://www.runestadforchair.com/
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- Go to MoveItChristian.com to learn the basics of being a Precinct Delegate and how the convention process works: https://moveitchristian.com/index.php/delegate/
- Research and vote to send a committed America First patriot needed to save our party, state and nation.
- District 4 Chair Ken Beyer Interview with Professor David Clements
Mark Forton
- A message from RFK Jr on why we all need to vote for President Trump.
- Michigan sheriff announces criminal investigation into 2020 election crimes, Dominion Voting Systems.
- Data Analysts Expose MI Voter Databases Altered IN REAL TIME.
- Election Engineering & Vote Fraud.
- BUDNICK For the People. FREE TRANSPORTATION for Macomb County MICHIGAN Residents!
- Special Report: City Government Report Card = Failure.
- M.C.R. - The Lies she tells.
- Secretary of State Project and SOS Project, George Soro$.
- Ethical and Procedural Analysis: The Wrongful and Unethical Removal of Kristina Karamo as Chair of the Michigan GOP.
- A Teachable Moment.
- The TRANSgender EMPIRE.
- A Revolution of Truth.
- Soros Backed AG Weaponizes Election Against Political Opposition.
- Michigan Criminal Departments nervously put themselves in a lineup.
🔥 The Cleansing of a Party – and the Persecution of Truth 🔥
Thomas Nemcek
-She doesn’t stop. She doesn’t back up.
-But “law officers” accuse her of trespassing and resisting as soon as she hits the outdoors and exercises her first amendment right to freedom of speech.
-There were Dort Center security guys like the tattooed thug wearing sunglasses.-And there were toy cops wearing gold badges and black earpieces…like Tom Bartz, William Lonsberry, Brian Szmytke, Thomas Nemcek and Nick Prill.-All strutting around escalating tensions and blatantly violating the rights of voting delegates.
-As Karamo mingles with delegates, Stuart Foster’s “Dennis” appears and stands 2’ in front of her and won’t budge.
-Then, a tattooed “security guard” appears behind her, demands her badge and threatens to call police, before also threatening to remove voting delegates (violation of MCL 168.624).
- 2024.
- 31Oct - Analytical Commentary on the Current Michigan GOP.
- 7Oct - Ethical and Procedural Analysis: The Wrongful and Unethical Removal of Kristina Karamo as Chair of the Michigan GOP.
- 17Sep - Commentary and Analysis on Kristina Karamo’s Election and Removal as Chair of the Michigan GOP, Including Legal Battles and Federal Action.
- 2Jul - MRP State Director Lori Skibo Defeats Peter Hoekstra.
- 13Jun - Michigan Corporate State Fusion $1 Billion Boondoggle.
- 4Jun - Michigan Press Covers Up Michigan Political Money Laundering.
- 29May - Michigan Congressman Holds Rally For Marxist Terrorists.
- 10May - Don't miss Tonight's Special Live Event! - Join us Friday night for some TRUTH BOMBS in Detroit.
- 9May - Join us Friday night - Malinda Pego admitted under oath that she was a saboteur.
- 8May - Keyes Tour Impacts Key Ohio Leaders Michigan is Next.
- 6May - Join Us Friday Night (May 10th) for A Major Announcement!
- 3May - What is a “Constitutional Sheriff” and Why is that Important.
- 2May - Special Live Event Keyes, Karamo & Colbeck on May 10.
- 16Apr - Gretchen Whitmer is a Corporate Asset.
- 1Apr - Michigan Congressman Says Pop Nukes in The Middle East.
- 28Mar - Practical Michigan Solutions to the Immigration Invasion.
- 27Mar - We Are Being Served Up on A Platter.
- 26Mar - The Immigration Invasion is Engineered.
- 25Mar - A Bad Day for Justice.
- 22Mar - Get the U.S. out of the U.N., and the U.N. out of the U.S.
- 21Mar - Dar Leaf is a Hero.
- 20Mar - Political Prisoners and Two Systems of Justice.
- 19Mar - Rules are for Thee, Not for Me!
- 18Mar - Political Prisoners are an Affront to Liberty.
- 15Mar - TikTok Ban: A Cure Worse than the Disease.
- 14Mar - Joe Tates Bubblegum Law Degree.
- 13Mar - Oh The Irony.
- 12Mar - Your Milage May Vary.
- 11Mar - Election Integrity is the Thing.
- 8Mar - The Next Big Leap.
- 7Mar - And Now Friends and Countrymen.
- 6Mar - A Republic if you can keep it.
- 5Mar - New Lies for Old.
- 4Mar- No Unity in Evil.
- 2Mar - Kiss and Tell Caucus Style.
- 1Mar - And Now We Continue to Fight!
- 29Feb - Meet The New Boss.
- 28Feb - Judge Rossi Has Been Compromised.
- 27Feb - Can We Agree The Existing MIGOP Constitution is Broken.
- 24Feb - Peter & The Wolves: Uncovering the Threat to Election Integrity.
- 23Feb - What does Trump Need to Win in 2024.
- 22Feb - It’s obvious, isn’t it?
- 21Feb - The 2024 election is too important!
- 20Feb - Where is Peter Hiding?
- 19Feb - I Hope You Still Care About Liberty.
- 17Feb - Trump’s Endorsement Lumps: A Political Bumpy Ride. 16Feb - On To The State Convention.
- 15Feb - Peter's Money Laundering Operation.
- 15Feb - Victory for Karamo.
- 14Feb - A Little Black Book, Dirty Secrets, and a Smoking Gun.
- 13Feb - Ronna’s River of Dirty Democrat Money. 12Feb - Ronna’s “Fox in the henhouse”.
- 9Feb - Karamo vs Globalists.
- 8Feb - Dinner at McDowell’s. 7Feb - Thank You for Answering the Bell! .
- 6Feb - Ronin Ronna and the Lawless RNC.
- 5Feb - Unmasking the Globalist Legal Network .
- 2 Feb - In all the sinister movies about political corruption, the evil mastermind has a top henchman to do the dirty work.
- 1 Feb - It's Blood Money.
- 31 Jan - Yob and Carpenter are Criminals.
- 30 Jan - What is it all About.
- 29 Jan - Exposing the Swamp Creatures: Say No to RINO Land.
- 27 Jan - If you know Kristina Karamo, you know she is a warrior.
- 26 Jan - Urgent: Ronna McDaniels Betrayed Michigan!
- 26 Jan - Urgent RNC letter regarding MIGOP Leadership dispute please read ASAP!
- 25 Jan - Washington Swamp Attacks MIGOP: What You Need to Know.
- 24 Jan - MRP State of the State - A Call to Action for Michigan's Future.
- 23 Jan - Fruit Inspection Time - Evaluating Republican Leaders in Michigan.
- 22 Jan - Who is Peter Hoekstra.
- 21 Jan - The sham meeting that took place yesterday!
- 20 Jan - Financial Myths The Truth About MIGOP Funding.
- 19 Jan - Important Update on MIGOP Leadership.
- 18 Jan - MIGOP legal counsel has issued a series of Cease & Desist letters today.
- 18 Jan - What’s John Yob’s motive.
- 17 Jan - Outrageous Election Fraud in Kalamazoo.
- 16 Jan - Should MIGOP Scrub Money for Anti-Trumpers.
- 15 Jan - Michigan Republicans Unite for 2024 Elections.
- 14 Jan - It’s over! The chaos caused by.
- 13 Jan - State Committee Meeting on January 13 is Confirmed and Not Cancelled!
- 11 Jan - Fake Credentials and Fake News.
- 10 Jan - The Truth About Kristina Karamo's Alleged Anti-Trump Stance.
- 9 Jan - The Truth Behind Malinda Pego's Alleged Takeover of MIGOP.
- 8 Jan - The Truth Behind the Fake Republican Meeting.
- 7 Jan - Much Ado About Nothing.
- 5 Jan - Michigan Republicans Beware of Globalist Agenda and Corrupt Individuals.
- 4 Jan - Don't Believe the Lies.
- 3 Jan - Michigan Republican Party's Commitment to Election Integrity.
- 2 Jan - Clearly these people are trying desperately...
- 2023.
- 28 Dec - What could be more Important.
- 27 Dec - Welcome Fellow Republicans.
- Electoral College Explanation.
- Meet The New Boss.
- Conniving Pete Hoekstra.
- Uniparty is Trying to Remove Kristina Karamo as GOP Chair in MI Along with Other America First GOP Leaders.
- Kristina Takes On The UnIparty.
- Update for Precinct Delegates (Jun21).
- Has staged-opposition and moral relativism worked for you.
- Secretary of State Project and SOS Project, George Soro$.
- Michigan's Secretary of State "Benson's Dirty Deeds".
- Discussion includes:
- Response to the recent Ottawa commissioner meeting where followers of Jesus Christ confronted the Satanic invocation with worship.
- April 27 MI-GOP meeting and video clip complete with death stare from hate-aged Lisa Mankiewicz, nasty word salad from Dawn Beattie who forgot her horns at home, 666 sign from Judas Forton and F-bomb from Todd Gillman.
- Mark Forton history with Reform Party.
- The 12 month premeditated takedown of Kristina Karamo to destroy the America First movement.
- The effort to remove Christians from the Republican Party.
- Beyer involvement with producing Let My People Go.
- Precinct Delegate recruitment.
👉(Kiss and Tell Caucus Style)💥3/2/2024
See where Precinct Delegates and Leadership of the 1st Congressional
District Republican Party stand on the MIGOP Party Leadership
127 Votes Present of the 174 apportioned to District 4 Counties
Unanimous Vote: Donald Trump for President
116 Votes: Bernadette Smith for RNC Committeewoman
124 Votes: Ralph Rebandt for RNC Committeeman
Unanimous Vote: Donald Trump for President
116 Votes: Bernadette Smith for RNC Committeewoman
124 Votes: Ralph Rebandt for RNC Committeeman
1. After Pete HOAXstra was appointed by Judge Rossi, his first move was to deny credentials to delegates from 24 counties.
This forced D1, D3, D4 and D9 district leaders to decide whether to challenge credentials on the floor at district conventions in Grand Rapids and risk having disenfranchised delegates drive long distances just to be rejected OR to hold their own district conventions and submit results to the state committee for approval.
2. D3 and D9 went the credentials challenge route, while D1 and D4 held their own conventions.
3. Malinda Pego chaired the state committee meeting and claimed that D1 and D4 results couldn’t be accepted due to a binding resolution with the RNC requiring all district conventions be held under one roof. Pego then denied calls for Point of Order, and refused to take a vote when her ruling was appealed.
4. SC Member Barry Doherty was left off the roll call despite protests.But Karamo is the tyrant? 🤯
🔴♾️🔴♾️🔴#petehoekstra #malindapegoJOIN: t.me/unshacklethemittent.me/unshacklethemitten
Unshackle the MittenThe District 3 Caucus Voted Whether to Credential Ottawa County Delegates
The following people voted NO to credentialing elected delegates from Ottawa County.
- Katie DeBoer, Kent County Commissioner- Bryan Posthumus, 90th District State Rep- Mark Huizenga, 30th District State Senator- Tom Nemcek, Kent County PD- Julie Doll, Kent County PD- Deb Null, Muskegon PD- Steve Null, Muskegon PD- Kim Fiorenzo, Muskegon PD- Aaron Kleinheksel, Muskegon PD- Scott Six, Muskegon PD- Kathy Six, Muskegon PD- Jim Anton, Muskegon PD- Judy Schalk, Muskegon PD- Mike Glancy, Muskegon PD- Michael Hauisen, Muskegon PD- Gail Elchorst, Muskegon PD- Sandy Glore, Muskegon PD- Doug Lee, NOT a PD- Nick Prill, NOT a PD
Why did we have elected officials voting against credentialing ELECTED DELEGATES??!!
MCL 168.624 states: “All duly elected and certified delegates SHALL be seated at the county or district county conventions. A person violating this section is GUILTY of a MISDEMEANOR.”
These elected officials were given the opportunity to RIGHT a WRONG, but voted to SILENCE the voice of duly elected precinct delegates.
The following people voted NO to credentialing elected delegates from Ottawa County.
- Katie DeBoer, Kent County Commissioner- Bryan Posthumus, 90th District State Rep- Mark Huizenga, 30th District State Senator- Tom Nemcek, Kent County PD- Julie Doll, Kent County PD- Deb Null, Muskegon PD- Steve Null, Muskegon PD- Kim Fiorenzo, Muskegon PD- Aaron Kleinheksel, Muskegon PD- Scott Six, Muskegon PD- Kathy Six, Muskegon PD- Jim Anton, Muskegon PD- Judy Schalk, Muskegon PD- Mike Glancy, Muskegon PD- Michael Hauisen, Muskegon PD- Gail Elchorst, Muskegon PD- Sandy Glore, Muskegon PD- Doug Lee, NOT a PD- Nick Prill, NOT a PD
Why did we have elected officials voting against credentialing ELECTED DELEGATES??!!
MCL 168.624 states: “All duly elected and certified delegates SHALL be seated at the county or district county conventions. A person violating this section is GUILTY of a MISDEMEANOR.”
These elected officials were given the opportunity to RIGHT a WRONG, but voted to SILENCE the voice of duly elected precinct delegates.
Unshackle the MittenForwarded from KelseaOPEN LETTER TO PETE HOEKSTRA
Dear Pete Hoekstra,As a Christian I will not name call (although my flesh would like to), but I will expose the evil deeds of darkness (as Eph. 5:11 calls me to). Your actions, Sir, have been nothing less than COWARDLY! First, you meet with my husband for breakfast and seem to have a good conversation. Then you meet with Kristina Karamo for breakfast, same thing. The next thing we know, you are throwing both of them, along with Ottawa Impact under the bus, telling all the HRCC that they are ruining the party! Why not say it to their face?
Then your friends try to destroy Kristina and her administration with lies, deception, bullying, and veiled threats. Very ironic how your pal Warren Carpenter sends multiple veiled threats to several members of Kristina’s team (including veiled threats against my children… “Are you sure you want to do this?…You have children, Joel!”) and how two pastors received threatening calls against their wives and children by someone to keep them from hosting our events. Now you appoint Warren as your finance chair? Wow! I won’t speculate why!
Then your “friends” hold a 40 person coup, change the bylaws to lower the requirement to remove Kristina and “elect” you as chair because they knew they didn’t have the numbers to do it the right way. When that doesn’t work, why not try corrupt law-fare to get your way? Next, jerk all the PDs around and waste thousands of dollars by changing the location of the state convention (don’t worry about the thousands of PDs who will be out $$ for hotel rooms either) because you know you can’t have thousands of delegates in one room to boo you off the stage like they did with Wieser!
Then just to be sure no one tries to reverse what you’ve done, make sure not to credential 24 counties who are against your evil schemes at the state convention and say it’s because they didn’t turn their stuff in on time (even though they DID - they sent it to the REAL duly elected MIGOP secretary as the rules state - oh but not your rules, right?)
Then decide to call a SC meeting last minute so none of those you refused to credential from D1 would make the drive down (why would they after being jerked around and wasting $$ on hotel rooms when they know you won’t credential them for the convention and are sick of your games?) That way you can enshrine the votes that excluded all the uncredentialed delegates.
Then in all time cowardly fashion have a woman run the SC meeting in your place so you don’t have to deal with any flack from upset PDs! Oh and don’t forget to reinstate all those who were properly removed by their counties for going along with the coup!
Congratulations Sir! You now control the party and made sure “We the People” won’t be able to take it back (this year)! What a clever way to get the other lawsuits dropped too that could have exposed more corruption!
Unfortunately, you’ve also lost the respect of thousands of PDs across this state who will refuse to go along with your tyrannical form of government and will make sure everyone knows what you did to them. Good day, Sir!
~Kelsea Studebaker
Dear Pete Hoekstra,As a Christian I will not name call (although my flesh would like to), but I will expose the evil deeds of darkness (as Eph. 5:11 calls me to). Your actions, Sir, have been nothing less than COWARDLY! First, you meet with my husband for breakfast and seem to have a good conversation. Then you meet with Kristina Karamo for breakfast, same thing. The next thing we know, you are throwing both of them, along with Ottawa Impact under the bus, telling all the HRCC that they are ruining the party! Why not say it to their face?
Then your friends try to destroy Kristina and her administration with lies, deception, bullying, and veiled threats. Very ironic how your pal Warren Carpenter sends multiple veiled threats to several members of Kristina’s team (including veiled threats against my children… “Are you sure you want to do this?…You have children, Joel!”) and how two pastors received threatening calls against their wives and children by someone to keep them from hosting our events. Now you appoint Warren as your finance chair? Wow! I won’t speculate why!
Then your “friends” hold a 40 person coup, change the bylaws to lower the requirement to remove Kristina and “elect” you as chair because they knew they didn’t have the numbers to do it the right way. When that doesn’t work, why not try corrupt law-fare to get your way? Next, jerk all the PDs around and waste thousands of dollars by changing the location of the state convention (don’t worry about the thousands of PDs who will be out $$ for hotel rooms either) because you know you can’t have thousands of delegates in one room to boo you off the stage like they did with Wieser!
Then just to be sure no one tries to reverse what you’ve done, make sure not to credential 24 counties who are against your evil schemes at the state convention and say it’s because they didn’t turn their stuff in on time (even though they DID - they sent it to the REAL duly elected MIGOP secretary as the rules state - oh but not your rules, right?)
Then decide to call a SC meeting last minute so none of those you refused to credential from D1 would make the drive down (why would they after being jerked around and wasting $$ on hotel rooms when they know you won’t credential them for the convention and are sick of your games?) That way you can enshrine the votes that excluded all the uncredentialed delegates.
Then in all time cowardly fashion have a woman run the SC meeting in your place so you don’t have to deal with any flack from upset PDs! Oh and don’t forget to reinstate all those who were properly removed by their counties for going along with the coup!
Congratulations Sir! You now control the party and made sure “We the People” won’t be able to take it back (this year)! What a clever way to get the other lawsuits dropped too that could have exposed more corruption!
Unfortunately, you’ve also lost the respect of thousands of PDs across this state who will refuse to go along with your tyrannical form of government and will make sure everyone knows what you did to them. Good day, Sir!
~Kelsea Studebaker
- Weapons of Mass Deception are being unleashed to destroy the America First Movement. Patriotic Grassroots Delegates are being Steam Rolled. The Establishment wants the Michigan Republican Party back and are willing to destroy it to get rid of us!